You're likely to get absolutely annihilated early on. The Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer mode has a super fast time-to-kill, and hordes of players who have gotten quite good at learning the ins and outs of the game, so be warned. It's loads of fun and well worth trying out. You'd also have access to Ground War, one of the most underated modes in Modern Warfare 2 in my opinion, able to provide a lengthy push and pull battle between two massive teams, devestating vehicle fights, all on a massive map.

If you've got some friends interested too, you can also take on a raid mission for a nice XP payout. Once downloaded, you'll have access to a suite of 6v6 maps, as well as multiple popular game modes including Team Deathmatch, Hardpoint, and One in the Chamber. You can check out the Season 2 Reloaded trailer here for an update on all the new stuff!